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SRSP Saraswati Canal

Saraswati Canal with total length of 144 Kms from Sri Ram Sagar reservoir to Kaddam Narayna 79,000 acres in Nirmal district.
Reddy Reservoir is used to irrigate total ayacut of

Sri Ram Sagar reservoir - Koutla - Sofinagar - Mukthapur - Narsapur - Babapur

Koratikal  - Chandaram - Danthampalle - Nagapur - AdaviSarangapur - Kaddam Narayna Reddy Reservoir

SRSP (Sri Ram Sagar Project) Stage I
Saraswathi Canal (47 km) to irrigate 14,151 ha (34,967 acres) of ayacut with a head discharge of 42.47 Cumecs (1500 Cusecs) as part

SRSP (Sri Ram Sagar Project) Stage II
 Saraswathi Canal from Km 77 to 144 with modernization of Kadam canal from Km 0.00 to Km 77.00 to benefit total ayacut of 79,000 acres.

It irrigates 79000 acres of ayacut by pumping of 10 TMC feet of water from Yellampalli Barage from 6.5 km to km 77 of Kadem canal


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