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Shaikpet Mosque and Sarai

Shaikpet Mosque and Sarai are located at distance of nearly 11 km from the centre of Hyderabad in Shaikpet, Hyderabad district, Telangana State, India.

The Sarai was built on the way to Bidar, capital of Barid Shahis, for the traders to halt at night, before obtaining permission to enter into the fort from Quiladar of Golconda Fort.

The Sarai complex was initiated by Ibrahim Qutb Shah (1550 – 1580 CE). The Sarai gradually came to provide amenities like sarai blocks, mosques, a tomb, stables for horses and camels and other minor structures. It is a typical, large caravan Sarai constructed in Qutub Shahi style of architecture consisting of a two storied building exclusively meant for traveller’s rest.

An inscription indicates that a larger part of the Sarai complex was built by Abdullah Qutb Shah in 1633 – 34 CE. Shelter for horses and camels was also added to the Sarai towards southern side.

The sarai had 30 rooms, stables for horses and camels, a mosque and a tomb of an unknown Sufi saint. It could accommodate 500 people.

The terrain around Golconda and its traverse formed the basis of an important trade route from Ahmednagar. It passed Bidar, Patancheru, Golconda and on- wards to Machilipattnam on the east coast. By its side lay the dargah of Hazrat Syed Hussain Shah Wali - a revered Sufi saint during the reign of the Qutb Shahi dynasty and descendant of Khwaja Banda Nawaz (Gesu Daraz) - the most influential Sufi saint of the Chisti order in South India. Hazrat Syed Hus- sain Shah Wali is credited with building the Hussain Sagar Tank at Hyderabad (1562), which served as a water reservoir for the city till the 1920s.

October 26, 2017: Crumbling Shaikpet Sarai & mosque crave attention
April 28, 2018: Broken and cracked: Shaikpet mosque, a protected mosque now in shambles
March 25, 2021 : One of the oldest mosques of Qutub Shahi era and an archaeological grandeur is slowly giving away to the sands of time in Hyderabad. 
The centuries-old mosque, which once housed hundreds of worshipers, has been neglected by authorities.

Recent conservation works by Government of Telangana included structural restoration and protection from encroachments.


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