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Asaf Jahi Dynasty - The Nizams

Asaf Jahis ( 1724 AD - 1948 AD) 

1724 A.D - I748 A.D: Asaf Jah I - Mir Kamar-ud-din / Nizam-ul-Mulk

Asaf Jah, the first Nizam, was born in 167I A.D., at Delhi, where he, at an early age, attracted the favourable notice of the emperor Aurangzeb. His original name was Kamar-ud-din, and the title of Asaf Jah was conferred upon him by the emperor Muhammud Shah when he obtained the keys of the fortress of Golconda. He was at that time engaged in re-conquering the posses- sions of the Delhi emperor in southern India, and about the year 1730 A.D. he was confirmed in his appointment as Viceroy of the Deccan by the emperor Muhammud Shah, who not only sent him the title of Asaf Jah, but also some jewels and an elephant,and told him to settle the country, repress the turbulent, punish the rebels, and cherish the people. In 1748 he died in camp, near Burhanpur, and his body was interred near the fort of Daulatabad, where his tomb may be seen to-day.

1748 A.D - 1750 A.D: Mir Ahmed Khan, Nasir Jung

He was succeeded by his second son, Nasir Jung, who had rebelled against him in 1740 A.D., and had then been made a prisoner and confined in the fortress of Kandahar, near Nander. During the reign of this Nizam, M. Dupleix, the governor of the French possessions in India, began to intrigue in Hyderabad, and Nasir Jung col- lected a large army and marched on Pondicherry. But he was killed by one of his own followers before he could accomplish his project

Minster: 1750-1752 : Raja Rajunath Das

1750 A.D -1751 A.D: Muzaffar Jung

In I750 A.D. he was succeeded by Muzaffar Jung, M. Dupleix's puppet. A very interesting account of Muzaffar Jung's visit to Pondicherry and his installation there by M. Dupleix as Subedar of the Carnatic may be found in the French Library at Pondicherry; and we learn that he tried to arrange a marriage between the emperor of Delhi and Mlle Chou-Chou, the step- daughter of M. Dupleix, and that that astute Frenchman had some difficulty in refusing the honour that the Delhi emperor desired to confer upon his family. Muzaffar Jung was murdered during his return journey.

Minster: 1750-1752 : Raja Rajunath Das

1751 A.D - 1761 A.D: Salabat Jung

M. Bussy, the commander of the French troops that had accompanied him, then persuaded the people of Hyderabad to place Salabat Jung upon the gadi. This was done in 1751, and afterwards the French gained much influence in Hyderabad, where territory was assigned to them for the support of their troops. But in 1755, when hostilities commenced in Europe between the French and the English, M. Bussy was obliged to return to Pondicherry, where the Count de Lally required his assistance; and after the departure of " the guardian angel of my life and fortune," as the Nizam called the gallant French captain, Salabat Jung was dethroned by his brother Nizam Ali Khan--the ally of the English- and confined in the fort of Bidar, where he died in 1762.

Minsters: Raja Rajunath Das (1750-1752), Nawab Lashka Khan(1752-I755),  Nawab Shah Nawaz Khan(1755-1758), Nawab Basalut Jung(1758-1760), Raja Partabwunt(1761-1763)

8 July 1762 A.D - 6 August 1803 A.D : Asaf Jah II - Ali Khan

Nizam Ali Khan was the first Nizam who made a treaty with the English. In 1766 he ceded to them the Northern Circars, on condition that he was to be furnished with a subsidiary force in time of war, and should receive six lakhs of rupees annually when no troops were required, he, on his part, promising to assist the British with his troops when called upon to do so. Further treaties were made between the Nizam and the British in 1768, in 1790, and in 1798, when the subsidiary troops were augmented and the Ceded Districts of Madras were made over to the English by the Nizam for the payment of the troops, including the famous Hyderabad Contingent, which had been formed in 1709 by Mir Alum. Nizam Ali Khan died in I803, and was succeeded by his son Sikandar Jah, who died in I829, and was succeeded by his son Nasir-ud-Daula.

Ministers: Raja Partabwunt(1761-1763), Nawab Rukum-ud-Daula (1765-1775),Nawab Vikar-ud- Daula Nawab Samsam-ul-Mulk, Aristo Jah

6 August 1803 A.D - 21 May 1829 A.D: Asaf Jah III - Sikandar Jah

His son Sikandar Jah succeeded Nizam Ali Khan

Ministers: Nawab Mir Alum (1804-1808) grand-father of Sir Salar Jung I, Munir-ul-Mulk (1809-1832)

21 May 1829 A.D - 16 May 1857 A.D: Asaf Jah IV - Nasir-ud-Daula

His son Nasir-ud-Daula  succeeded Sikandar Jah 

Nasir-ud-Daula was a humane and broad- minded ruler, and much beloved by his subjects. He was six feet three inches high, and possessed great bodily strength and a handsome appearance. But he was wanting in energy and ability, and towards the close of his reign he became very self-indulgent. In 1853, the payment of the Contingent troops having fallen into arrears, he made a treaty with the English by which the Districts of Berar, Osmanabad, and the Raichur Doab were ceded to the British, and he pawned his jewels, which were taken to England. In May 1857, just at the commencement of the Mutiny, he died; and on his death-bed he told his son and successor Afzul-ud-Daula, that as the British had always been friendly to the Nizams, so he should continue to be faithful to the English.

Minsters: Munir-ul-Mulk (1809-1832), Raja Chander Lal (1832-1843), Raja Ram Baksh (1843-1846), Nawab Siraj-ul-Mulk (1846-1848), Amjud-ul-Mulk (1848), Nawab Shams-ul-Umara (1848-1849), Raja Ram Baksh (1849-1851), Ganesh Rao (1851), Nawab Seraj-ul-Mulk (1851-1853), Sir Salar Jung I (1853-1858)

16 May 1857 A.D - 26 February 1869 A.D: Asaf Jah V - Afzul-ud-Daula

Nizam Afzul-ud-Daula followed his father's advice, and all through the terrible days of the Mutiny, he, and his minister, Sir Salar Jung I, stood by the English, thus preventing the Mutiny from spreading into southern India. In I858 " Our Faithful Ally " received the thanks of the British Government, and a new treaty was then made between the Nizam and the English by which Osmanabad and the Raichur Doab Districts were restored to the Nizam, the assigned District of Berar being taken in trust by the British Government for the purposes specified in the treaty of 1853. (In November 1902 the assigned District of Berar was leased in perpetuity to the British Government at an annual rental of twenty-five lakhs of rupees.) In 1869 Afzul-ud-Daula died.

Ministers: Sir Salar Jung I (1853-1858)

Mir Turab Ali Khan Bahadur, known as Sir Salar Jung I, was born in 1828, In I853 the Minister, Nawab Seraj-ul- Mulk, died; and his nephew, Nawab Salar Jung, who was then only twenty-five years old, was chosen by Nizam Nasir-ud-Daula to succeed him. Nizam Nasir-ud-Daula was then nearing the close of his reign, and, owing to self- indulgence, he was surrounded by flatterers and plunderers. He had crippled the finances of the State by ceding Berar, Osmanabad and the Raichur Doab to the English, and had even pawned his jewels, which had been taken by Mr. Dighton to England. Some of the institution changes are Central Treasury and a State Bank in Hyderabad city, a Board of Revenue for the purpose of supervising the revenue administration of the country, and a system of police for the districts. The following lands were then defined: Sarf-i-khas (crown) lands; Paigah (Paigah means " stable, " and these lands were originally given for the maintenance of a body of horse called His Highness' Household troops) lands; Jagiv (a form of land tenure common among Mahomedans and dating back to the earliest times) lands; and Khalsa or Government lands. In 1867 the State was divided into five Divisions and seventeen Districts, and Subedars, or Governors, were appointed for the five Divisions and talukdars and tehsildarsfor the districts. The Judicial, Public Works, Medical, Educational, Municipal, and Police Departments were re-organised. And in 1868 Sadr-ul-Mahams or Assistant Ministers were appointed for the Judicial, Revenue, Police, and Miscellaneous Departments. In I869 Nizam Afzul-ud-Daula died, and was succeeded by his infant son Mir Mahabub Ali Khan, and Sir Salar Jung I was then appointed co-regent with Nawab Shams-ul-Umara, an appointment he filled until the day of his death, acting for a portion of the time as sole Regent. 

He rose at 6 A.M., took a cup of tea and proceeded to hold a public durbar, at which the poorest of the people had opportunities to make their representations. The officers of the troops then made their reports and after- wards he went to his private rooms, where he inspected treasury receipts and attended to correspondence. The Nazim (Dispenser of Justice) then had an audience.

At 10-30 A.M. he had breakfast, which lasted for about fifteen minutes. Afterwards he was engaged in miscellaneous business until 12-30 A.M., when he held a second public durbar and granted private interviews and attended to Residency business. After a short siesta and afternoon prayers he received the officers of the Government, bankers, local governors and others. At 5-30 P.M. he walked, rode, or drove and inspected his horses. After dinner and even- ing prayers he attended to his correspondence and at I0 P.M. he went to bed.

Sir Salar Jung I died on the 5th of February I883, and was buried in the family burial place, in the Daira Mir Momin Ceme- tery, in Hyderabad city, which place he is said to have called " the real home of ourrace." A simple stone grave, without name or inscription, marks his last resting place, and beside him lies his son and successor, Sir Salar Jung Il, and near by is the grave of his illustrious ancestor, Mir Alum. His Excellency the Minister, NaWAB MIR YOUSUF Ali KHaN BaHADUR.

26 February 1869 A.D - 29 August 1911 Asaf Jah VI - Mir Mahabub Ali Khan

He was succeeded by his son, Mir Mahabub Ali Khan, who was then only three years old. Sir Salar Jung I and Nawab Shams-ul- Umara were made co-regents, the advice of the British Resident being taken on all important matters, and the Regency continued until I884, when His Highness was invested with sovereign rights and the full enjoyment of an annual income of some ten millions of rupees derived from Sarf-i-khas (crown) lands, to say nothing of crown jewels and precious stones, that are said to be priceless. During the reign of H. H. Nizam Mir Mahabub Ali Khan many improvements were introduced into the State, and the changes brought about by Sir Salar Jung I were further developed. In 1893 the Cabinet and Legislative Councils were formed, and in the latter Council, for the first time in the annals of Hyderabad, the non-official element was allowed a voice in the work of administra- tion, a privilege that has not, so far, been appreciated or developed by His Highness's subjects. Education received much encourage- ment, the valuable State Library was opened, the Guaranteed State Railway became a paying concern, three large spinning and weaving mills and many small ginning and pressing factories came into existence, the Singareni coal fields were developed, and municipal government was fostered in the city and in the suburb of Chadarghat, and was introduced in the form of Local Boards and Local Funds into the Districts. changes made in the four Divisions and the sixteen Districts into which the State was re-divided in I905, the introduction of up-to-date machinery into the State Mint about the same time, and many kindred matters. His Highness Mir Mahabub Ali Khan died in I9II, and was buried in the Cathedral Mosque in Hyderabad city amid the lament- ations of his subjects. He was succeeded by H. H. Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur, who, if he lives, will (I quote the words of one of his Ministers) do more for Hyderabad than any Nizam has done before him.

Minsters: Sir Salar Jung II (1884-1886), Sir Asman Jah (1887-1894), Sir Vikar-ul-Umara (1894-1901), Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad (1901-1912)

29 August 1911 A.D - 17 September 1948: Asaf Jah VII - Mir Osman Ali Khan

Minsters: Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad (1901-1912), Nawab Salar Jung III(1912)

Salar Jung Bahadur III, Prime Minister of Hyderabad, was born in June 1889, and he was only one month old when his father, Sir Salar Jung II, died.


The area of the Hyderabad State is 82,698 square miles, and the land is thus divided: 

Sarf-i-khas, or crown land, which is privately owned by H. H. the Nizam. Paigah land, belonging to the descen- dants of the late Sir Asman Jah, Sir Khurshed Jah, and Sir Vikar-ul-Umara, a sort of feudal tenure for the maintenance of troops for the Nizam's service.

Jagir land. Gifts of land made by former Nizams as royal gifts, or for the support of troops for the Nizam's use.

Khalsa, or government land. 

The Sarf-i-khas, Paigah, and Jagir lands make up one-third of the whole area of the State.


In I893 A.D. the consultative body known as the Cabinet Council was added to the institutions of the State. Its President is the Minister, and its members are the assistant ministers. This Council was formed chiefly to assist and advise the Minister in matters of State administration, and it lies in his discretion to refer to it for deliberation any proposal upon which he desires the Council's advice. Also, any assistant minister has the right of asking that any proposal of his may be laid before the Cabinet Council, though the Minister has the right of refusal, subject to His Highness's final commands.

For administrative purposes, the State is divided into four divisions Aurangabad, Medak, Gulbarga, and Warangal and each division is under a revenue commissioner, called the " Subedar." The divisions are further divided into sixteen districts, includ- ing the Sarf-i-khas district, and each district is under a magistrate or collector, called a talukdar. The districts are sub-divided into talukas and tahsils, each under a sub- divisional officer, called second or third talukdar, according to his grade in the service; and two or three talukas are placed under a tahsildar. And each village has its patel or head man

Telingana: Percentage of total area cultivated 38.8. Ditto of cultivated area that is irrigated 130. Rice 10.3. Wheat 0.4. Pulses 5.5. Other crops 83.8. Normal rain-fall 327 inches.

The total population of Hyderabad State was, in I9II A.D., I3,374,676 people, and the distribution of the population as regards religion was then as follows

Hindus 11,626,I46

Mahomedans 1,380,990

Animists 285,722

Christians 54,296

Jains 21,026 

The Census says that during the last decade there has been a twenty per cent. increase of the total population, but the Hindu rate of increase has not kept pace with that of the population as a whole. It points out that the Christian missionaries have made many converts among the depressed classes during the past ten years, and esti- mates the Christian converts at 26,700 persons for that period. The missionaries would, no doubt, place the figures much higher, for they claim to make 7,000 converts each yearin the Hyderabad State at the present time. " No one, of course, returned himself as an animist, " says the Census," but all those who did not say that they professed any other religion, if they belonged to the Andh, Bhil, Erkula, Gond, and Lambada castes, have been classed in the Census of 1911 as animists"; and it goes on to explain that animism consists in the worship of inanimate objects, but the objects thus worshipped must not represent a higher power, because if so the worshippers could rightly be classed as Hindus. And as Hindus, no doubt, many of these so-called animists were entered in the Census of 1901.


Mr. John Holland was the first represent- ative of the Governor-General at the Court of the Nizam, and he arrived at Hyderabad in 1779. He was succeeded by Mr. J. Grant, who retired in 1784.

Mr. R. Johnson

Captain Kennaway

Captain J. A. Kirkpatrick

Captain W. A. Kirkpatrick

Mr. H. Russell

Captain T. Sydenham

Lieutenant C. Russell

Mr. H. Russell

Mr. C. T. Metcalfe

Captain H. S. Barnett

Mr. W. B. Martin

Mr. E. C. Ravenshaw

Colonel J. Stewart

Major J. Cameron

Brigadier J. Wahab, c.B.

Major G. Tomkyns

Colonel J. S. Fraser

Major C. Davidson

Colonel Low, c.B.

Major C. Davidson

Mr. G. A. Bushby

Captain A. R. Thornhill

Colonel C. Davidson

Major A. R. Thornhill

Sir J. U. Yule, k.c.s.I., C.B.

Sir R. Temple, k.c.s.I.

Mr. G. J. Cordery

Hon'ble A. A. Roberts, c.B., C.S.I.

Mr. C. B. Saunders, C.B.

Colonel E. C. Ross, c.S.I.

Mr. G. J. Cordery

Major D. Robertson

Mr. A. P. Howell

Sir D. Fitzpatrick, K.C.S.I.

Mr. T. W. Chichele Plowden, c.s.I., I.c.s. 1891

Hon'ble Lieutenant-Colonel Sir D. W.

K. Barr, k.c.s.I.

Hon'ble C. S. Bayley, c.s.I., I.C.s. ..

Hon'ble M. F. O'Dwyer, I.c.S.

Hon'ble C. S. Bayley, c.s.I., I.C.S. . .

Lieutenant-Colonel A. F. Pinhe

In the land of the Nizams, the Deshmukhs and Deshpandes who wielded enormous power, had large landholdings and wielded great clout over tenants and labourers. 
‘Deshmukh’ was a historical title given to a person who was granted a territory of land in the Nizam’s territory. The Deshmukhs were the head of all the Patils of a larger administrational unit called Pargana. The deshmukh was in effect the ruler of the territory, as he was entitled to a portion of the collected taxes. It was also his duty to maintain the basic services in the territory such as the police and judicial system. This was typically a hereditary system. The Deshmukh system was abolished after independence in 1947 when the government confiscated most of their land.

The Deshpande is the accountant and clerk to the Deshmukh. The Deshpande were the head of all the Kulkarnis under a Pargana and responsible for maintaining record of the revenue collected from an entire Pargana. 


Modern Hyderabad (Deccan) / by John Law [i.e. M. E. Harkness] .

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Manjira River

Origin : Gaurwadi in Balaghat Hills,  Ahemednagar District, Maharashtra State, India.
Elevation : 823 metres (2,700 ft)
Length : 724 km (450 mi)
Drainage : 30,844 km2 (11,909 sq mi)
Outflow : Godavari River
States : Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana.

Length in Telangana : Around 290 km
Start : Goudgaon (Janwada) village, Nagalgidda Mandal, Narayankhed revenue division of Sangareddy district in Telangana, India.
End : Kandakurthy village, Renjal Mandal, Nizamabad district
Districts : Sangareddy, Medak, Kamareddy, Nizamabad

Sangareddy District: Nagalgidda,  Manoor of Narayankhed revenue division, Raikode of Zaheerabad revenue division, Vatpally, Munipally, Pulkal, Sadasivpet, Sangareddy, Hathnoora, Andole

Medak District Mandals: Chillipched, Kulcharam, Medak, Papannapet, Shankarampet_A,
Kamareddy District Mandals: Nagireddypet, Nizamsagar, Pitlam, Banswada, Birkoor, Bichkunda, Madnur

Nizamabad District Mandals: Kotgiri, Bodhan, Renjal

Manjira River also spelled Manjeera also called the Manjara river in Maharashtra is a tributary of Godavari River. Manjira River flows through Latur District of Maharashtra and Bidar District of Karnataka before entering Sangareddy District in Telangana.

Manjira, Haridra River or Haldi vagu or Pasupu vagu  rivers joins Godavari and forms Triveni Sangamam in Kandakurthy Nizamabad district, Telangana State.

Manjira River tributaries in Telangana
Dabba vagu
Length: Around 30 kms
Start: Siddapur village, Jharasangam Mandal, Sangareddy district.
End : Kesaram Village near Singur Dam, Dharpally mandal, Nizamabad district

Gundla vagu
Start: Nagulapalle, Alladurg mandal, Medak District of Telangana State, India.
End: Manjira river near Yelkurthi Village in Tekmal Mandal in Medak District of Telangana State, India.

Kusangi vagu
Start: Palvatla village, Alladurg Mandal, Medak District 
End: Manjira river near Dhannaram Village in Tekmal Mandal in Medak District

Haldi vagu
Start: Near Turkapalli village, Shamirpet Mandal of Medchal-Malkajgiri district
End: Manjira river near Podchenpally village, Papannapet Mandal, Medak district
Tributaries : Pusphal vagu

Nakka vagu
Start: Near Siddapur village, Rajampet Mandal, Kamareddy district.
End: Manjira river near Golingal village

Gandhari vagu / Ai Yeru
Start: Near Chedmal village, Gandhari Mandal, Kamareddy district.
End: Manjira river near Golilingal village, Nagareddipet Mandal, Kamareddy district and Sardhana village in Medak districts. 
Tributaries: Pedda vagu, Bhimashevari vagu

Nalla vagu 
Starts in Telangana: Nagger, Kangti Mandal, Sangareddy district.
End: Manjira river near Achampet village, Nizamsagar Mandal, Kamareddy district.
Tributaries: Samla vagu, Kakai vagu joins to become Pedda vagu which joins Nalla vagu

Kaulus vagu
Start: Near Khandikeri village is located in Aurad taluka of Bidar district in Karnataka
Start in Telangana: Sopur village, Jukkal Mandal, Kamareddy district.
End: Manjira river near Hasgul, Bichkunda Mandal, Kamareddy, Telangana

Haridra stream / Haldi vagu / Pasupu vagu 
Length: Around 50kms
Start: Sayeedpur village, Varni Mandal, Nizamabad district.
End: Manjira river, Hangarga village, Renjal Mandal, Nizamabad district

Ash mounds recently discovered at a remote village in Telangana’s Medak district could well be remains of lava ash from the Toba supervolcano eruption that occurred about 75,000 years ago in Indonesia, say history enthusiasts and field explorers with the Kotha Telangana Charitha Brundam (KTCB).

The white powder mounds were discovered by the group’s field researcher B V Bhadragirish near Haridra stream, a tributary of the Manjeera river, at Hastalapur village in Narsapur. The local residents were using this powder for chalk.

After learning about the ash pits on the outskirts of the village, Bhadragirish inspected the ash mounds which are locally called sudda gutta. The ash bed, located about one kilometre away to the southeast of Narasimhaswamigutta on the village outskirts, is spread over a radius of about half a kilometre and two feet in depth. He had gone to visit the prehistoric rock art paintings site on Pandavulagutta. It was believed that the ash came from iron-smelting furnaces.

Lendi River originates in Udgir taluka and flowing through the Ahmadpur taluka joins the Manjira River at Shelgaon in Nanded district, Maharashtra.
Near humnapur village, kotgiri mandal in Nizamabad district Telangana.

Malar River joins Manjira at Daulatpur village in Maharashtra.
Near Mandharna village, Bodhan Mandal, Nizamabad district, Telangana.

Nizam Sagar was constructed across the Manjira River between Achampeta and Banjapalle villages of the Nizamabad district in Telangana, India. The most outstanding feature of the project is the gigantic masonry dam sprawling across the river for 3 kilometers with a motorable road of 14 feet width.

The Singur Reservoir on Manjira River in Medak District is the main drinking water source for the Medak and Nizamabad districts as well as the adjoining twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad.
Moyatummeda, a tributary to Manner, Peddavagu and Chinnavagu are the other rivulets, which sustained ancient cultures in this region. 

The River is used for water transport between Sironcha(MH) and Kaleswaram(TS). It is also a part of the 12 rivers in the Pushkaram list which is a festival in Hindu traditions. 

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Pakhal Lake

Pakhal lake is situated amidst unspoiled forest in Pakhal wildlife sanctuary near Pakhalashoknagar Village, Khanapur Mandal, Warangal District, Telangana State, India. 'Pakhal' literally means 'a large container of water' and is a Sanskrit derivative. According to the inscription set up on the bund , it was constructed during Ganapatideva by Jagadalu Mummadi, son of the minister Bayyana Nayaka and Bachana nayaka around1213 AD, Maudgalya tirtha close to the temple of Siva-Ramanatha. By the side of the tank he built a splendid city called Ganapura and granted a mansion and five martula of land to Kavichakravarti. The Pakhal Lake is an eloquent testimony to the engineering expertise of the Kakatiyas. Many artificial lakes were constructed during the Kakatiya period. The average depth of the lake is from 30 to 40 ft. The lake is a reservoir created by dam across Pakhal river, tributary of the River Musi.It was built to serve as source of water for irrigational purpose. 
Shitab Khan had the Pakhala tank repaired which still serves many farmlands in the area and is now a picturesque tourist spot. It is the largest artificial piece of water in the State, the length and breadth being 8000 and 6000 yards, while the dam is more than 2000 yards long, and the water covers an area of nearly 13 square miles. Bayyana Nayaka wife was Bachamamba and their sons were Peddana - Ganapati , Nalia - Ganapa and Jagadala - Mummadi .

Pakhal lake is situated about 32 miles East of Warangal and 7 miles North - East of Narsampet , the Taluq Head Quarters and 19 miles from Nechonda Railway Station.
The wildlife and recreation is popular retreat for tourists. The lake is attracting large number of tourists. Moonlights and shores of this lake are simply heavenly. 

Explore the 3.7-mile out-and-back trail near Khanapur, Telangana. Generally considered a moderately challenging route, it takes an average of 1 h 20 min to complete. This trail is great for birding, hiking, and walking, and it's unlikely you'll encounter many other people while exploring.

About 10 km from Narsampet town and 57 km from Warangal city, Pakhal lake is one of the few unpolluted lakes in India.  The best time to visit the lake is during first three or four months of the year.
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Gundala Waterfalls

Gundala Waterfalls is located near Gundala Village in Tiryani Mandal, Komaram Bheem Asifabad, Telangana, India. The scenic and lesser known nature wonder snuggles in the dense forests of remote Gundala village in Tiryani Mandal of Kumram Bheem Asifabad district.

The spot is located around 300 kilometers from Hyderabad.

A few hardcore nature lovers would tend to visit the spot by trekking treacherous rocky path for over 10 kilometers and wading flooding streams. 

There are two routes to go, from Mancherial district. The route via Dandepally will lead you directly to a kilometer nearby to the waterfall. People who don't have much time and yet wanted to watch over the beauty of the waterfall has to choose this route. But the people who love to walk amidst of forest and cherish the beautiful green sceneries have to take the route to the waterfall via Thiryani. By this route, one has to stop their vehicles at rompapally village and has to walk ahead through the forest. It's an on-foot journey of around 7-8kms to reach the waterfall by climbing over two hills and crossing two valleys of flowing water. The path isn't much steep and is filled with huge rocks, that lets you cherish the greenery in the forest, inch by inch. The sounds of various birds singing in rhythm to the water flowing through the curves of the valley will absolutely boost your energy levels. In between the walk, you'll encounter local tribal people whose 'thriving without technology' lifestyle will truly inspire you. (At least in some aspects of life, Their lives are the perfect example of a minimalistic lifestyle). The whole journey may burn a lot of calories in your body but you'll find that the beauty of this journey will definitely recharge your soul. 

Apart from all this narration, this is a journey of a walk, climb, get tired, get boosted by nature, get down the hill, and forget the whole journey looking at the amazing waterfall, Gundala. It's worth a visit and the joy cherished isn't comparable!

You need to hire local guides for this trekking.
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Savatula Gundam Waterfalls

Savatula Gundam or Samthula Gundam or Samthulagundam Waterfalls is located around 3 kms from Venkatapur and Balhanpur Villages, Asifabad Mandal, Komaram Bheem Asifabad District, Telangana, India.

You need to hire local guides for this trekking.

Directions from Asifabad

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Jodheghat Valley / Museum

Komaram Bheem memorial, Smriti Vanam and a Museum is located in Jodeghat, Kerameri Mandal, Komaram Bheem Asifabad District, Telangana, India. Bears witness to the culture of the indigenous people that live there. Legend has it that it was the same hillock where Kumram Bheem and his associates died fighting with the Nizam’s forces.
This Kumram Bheem Memorial is a modern architectural structure inaugurated in October 2016. The museum exhibits photographs and paintings that show the day-to-day life of tribes.

The tribal museum, part of the ₹ 25 crore complex mainly has exhibits, photographs and paintings depicting the day-to-day life of the different ethnic denominations in old Adilabad district.

One can reach the museum on Kerameri highlands in Kumram Bheem Asifabad district by road through Kamareddy and Nizamabad. Along the drive that will stretch over seven and a half hours, you will find scenic valleys full of lush green trees.

Apart from the museum, old waterfalls in the depths of forests and apple farms are other attractions. The Babezhari waterfall there comes down from a 70 feet hillock that makes it look magnificent, especially between June and December.

With beautiful surroundings that will take you closer to nature, it is a perfect weekend getaway that will also help you understand the rich heritage of tribes in our region.

For the Adivasis, the memorial with its large statue of Kumram Bheem, is a pilgrimage. For others, it is an ideal place for selfies.
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Muthyam / Mutyala Dhara Waterfalls

Muthyam Dhara or Muthyala Dhara Waterfalls is located near Veerabhadravaram village of Venkatapuram Mandal, Mulugu District in Telangana State, India.

The roaring water sound is pleasant to hear as the cascading falls, flow with a heavy gush, milky white texture. The water here come from Kadam river, which is a tributary of river Godavari. These falls are attractive as they reside themselves in the arms of dense forest, with lush green atmosphere and the drizzling water pecking on your cheeks which automatically brings a smile on your face.

Although the lack of basic facilities at the site makes it unfavorable for trekking, tourists and nature enthusiasts flock to the area, as they can take around 10 kilometer walk from Veerabadravaram village, among nature to reach the waterfall.

Veerabhadram which is the base village for falls is 5kms past venkatapuram. Once you reach the village ask locals , they will show you the trekking path. You can hire the guide from village if you want . In the starting of the trail there is some parking space for vehicles also.

As per local traditions, it is believed that bathing in the waterfall can be therapeutic as the water mixes with rare medicinal herbs on its journey.

The local residents of Tippaiguda, Mutharam and Seetarampur call this group of 5 waterfalls as Gaddalasari Waterfalls. 
  1. Kothikuntla Alapaka Crescent Waterfalls  
  2. Jin Thogu or Gaddalasari Waterfalls 
  3. Tadapala Vagu
  4. Chalamala Vagu 
  5. Ingel Thogu
Muthyam Dhara and Gaddalasari are 2 different waterfalls. Gaddalasari is approachable from Alubaka and Mutyala Dhara OR Muthyam Dhara is approachable from Veerabhadravaram. 

As per Indaram Nageshwar Rao, a passionate explorer of Telangana’s waterfalls, Kothikuntla Alapaka Crescent Waterfalls has a huge plunge of 298 m or 977 feet giving a magnificent view with a patch of lush green environment and rocky background,” which makes it highest waterfall in Telangana.

Gaddalasari Waterfalls is Telangana's 2nd highest waterfalls around 700 feet at Gaddalasari according to Dr Dyavanapalli Satyanarayana, an explorer. This waterfall is actually known as Jin Thogu Waterfall. One has to trek 12-8.7 mi from Alubaka to reach the waterfall. 1.9 mi to reach the village either Tippaiguda, Mutharam or Seetarampur. 5.0 mi of dense forest trek and Final 1 - 1.9 mi to reach thewaterfall crossing streams and boulders.

Kothikuntla Alapaka Crescent Waterfalls and Gaddalasari Waterfalls is one of the highest waterfalls in India after Nohkalikai falls (1,100 feet in Meghalaya) and Jog falls (Karnataka, 830 feet). 

Best time to visit waterfalls is during the Monsoon season from July - September.

Other Waterfalls near Muthyala Dhara

  1. Bavansari Waterfalls
  2. Bogatha Waterfalls (30 km away)
  3. Kongala Waterfalls (24 km away)
  4. Ontimamidi Loddhi Waterfalls
  5. Tappala Loddhi Waterfalls
  6. Gaddelasari Waterfalls
  7. Zin-Thogu-Zin Waterfalls
  8. Aten Thogu Waterfalls
  9. Kothikuntla Alapaka Crescent Waterfalls
  10. Seethamma Dhara Waterfalls

Places of interest:
  1. Eturunagaram Wildlife Sanctuary ( 40km away)
  2. Laknavaram Lake ( 90 km)
  3. Bhadrachalam ( 90 km)

If you are starting from Hyderabad, you can visit Heritage city Warangal and Ramappa temple.
If you are starting from Vijayawada, you can visit Bhadrachalam temple and stay at Godavari River Islands.


Before 6Kms from Bogatha Waterfalls you will find a Right turn to Venkatapuram Village
From Highway to Venkatapuram village, it is around 20Kms and from their drive Exactly 5Kms. 
You will find one small village, can ask any local people about the waterfalls Mutyala Jalapatham or mutyam dhara or Veerabadhram Waterfalls. 
For simple route from highway take road to venkatapuram village, go straight till 25.3Kms and you will find small sign board of waterfalls on your left.(Can confirm from local people)  

Road condition is very good till Venkatapuram village.

Places to Stay
Laknavaram Lake – 4 Cottages & Couple of rooms available, we have to do advance booking.
Tadvai Forest Camp : 6 Cottages available, We have to do advance booking. 
If you are not able to book any cottages or rooms in the above mention place, then you will find one lodge in Mulugu Town(Warangal) AC & non AC.

From Mulugu – Laknavaram Lake is 20kms approximately 

From Laknawaram Lake - Tadvai Huts is 30Kms approximately

Jul 27, 2023 - Telangana Floods
A group of 80 tourists visiting the picturesque Mutyaladhara waterfalls in Mulugu district found themselves in a perilous situation when the stream they had crossed earlier suddenly overflowed, leaving them stranded on their way back. The tourists were unable to cross the rapidly rising river and were forced to seek shelter in the nearby forest and were rescued by NDRF Team in the wee hours of Jul 27, 2023, Thursday. 

An alert was sounded to the authorities after which superintendent of police (SP) Gaush Alam sought the assistance of the district disaster response force (DRF), the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), and local police.

A team of 50 personnel from the DRF, NDRF, and the police were pressed into the rescue operations.
Officials tracked the location of the tourists through their mobile signals, ensuring an accurate and efficient rescue operation.

“No one was injured in the incident. However, one person did require medical attention. The rescued tourists were provided with food and medical assistance,” the SP said.

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Kaloji Narayana Rao

A giant of Telugu letters Kaloji Narayana Rao (9 September 1914 – 13 November 2002) born in Madikonda village of Warangal district Telangana. Real name is Raghuveer Narayan Lakshmikanth Srinivasa Ramraja Kaloji popularly known as Kaloji or Kalanna is a well known freedom fighter of India and a political activist of Telangana. He is known for his contributions in the social and literary. 

Honoured with the Padma Vibhushan in 1992, the second highest civilian honour in India for his excellent service in the literary and social, Kaloji brings grace and distinction to the award. He is a recipient of Tamrapatra in 1972. He received the award for the best translation of the 'Jeevana Gita' work in 1968 and Ramakrishna Rao Burgula first posthumous tribute was congratulated in 1981. He was honored with 'Praja Kavi' title.The Telangana government honored kaloji birthday September 9 as Telangana Language Day

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Bidri Craft

Bidriware is a renowned metal handicraft that derives its name from Bidar, presently in Karnataka. It was believed to have originated in 14th century AD during the reign of Bahamani Sultans.

The term 'Bidriware' therefore represents the manufacture of a unique metalware that is named after
the region of Bidar. The Bahamani sultans had ruled Bidar in the 14th–15th centuries. Bidriware was first practised in ancient Persia and then it was brought to India by Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti’s followers. The art form developed due to a mix of Persian and Arabic cultures and after the fusion with local style, a new and unique style of its own was created. The Nizam of Hyderabad introduced the art form in Aurangabad, which was part of Nizam’s Hyderabad state before 1947.

Bidriware is an eight-stage process. Those are moulding, smoothening by file and the process of designing by chisels. It is then followed by engraving using chisel and hammer where pure silver inlaying is done. It is subjected to smoothening again, followed by buffing and finally oxidising by making use of soil and ammonium chloride. Bidriware is therefore manufactured from an alloy of copper and zinc metals, in the ratio 1:16 by means of casting.

Initially the presence of zinc ushers alloy a deep black color. Firstly, a mould is created using soil and this is made malleable by adding castor oil and resin. The molten metal is later poured to create a cast piece followed by smoothened through filing. The casting is further coated with a strong copper sulphate solution to gain a temporary black coating. Then the designs are etched freehand over this using a metal stylus.This is eventually secured in a vise and the Bidri craftsmen make use of small chisels to engrave the designs over this freehand etching. Fine wire or even flattened strips of pure silver are clearly hammered into the grooves.The item is then filed and buffed, as well as smoothed to remove the temporary black coating. This results in a silver inlay that is not that clearly distinguishable compared to the gleaming metallic surface, which is now completely silvery white.

The Bidriware item is now completely set for a final blackening process. Here, makers use a special variety of soil that is available only in select places. This is mixed with ammonium chloride and water for producing a paste. The mixture is further rubbed onto a heated Bidri surface that darkens the body without affecting the silver inlay.The paste is clearly rinsed, revealing a shiny silver design looking stunning and resplendent against the rest of black surface. The oil is applied as a finishing touch for the product to strengthen the matt coating. The finished product is now shining black with a brilliant silver inlay.

The makers of Bidriware create designs like flowers, leaves and also geometric designs, stylized poppy plants, human figures etc. In some countries there is a great demand for the design of Persian roses and also the passages from the Holy Quran in the Arabic script.Bidriware was also used for making paanholders, hookahs, and vases as well as bowls, ornament boxes, earrings, trays and other jewelry and showpiece items.

The world famous artistic metallic Work which was on a decline few decades ago is currently on the revival path following the introduction of several innovative designs and new patterns.The designs represent Indian to international themes in tune with latest home and lifestyle needs and interior spaces. Bidar in Karnataka state and Hyderabad in Telangana are the popular centres for Bidriware in India and it is also practised in some of the other centres across India. Due to the striking inlay artWorks, Bidriware is considered an important export handicraft item from India’s handicraft market and seen as a prized symbol of wealth. This native art form has also gained the Geographical Indications (GI) registry.

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Palakuriki Somantha

Name: Palakuriki Somantha or Palakurti Somanatha (1160 AD to 1240 AD)
Birth Place and Residence : Palakurthi Village, Palakurthi Mandal, Jangaon District in Telangana State.
Parents: His father was Siva and his mother Parvati.
Teacher : Ivatuuri Somana
Books : Basava Purana and Panditaradhya Charitamu.
In his first book Anubhavasara in Telugu and even in his other Telugu work Basavapurana he mentions his mother is Parvati and father is Siva. 
Somanatha mentions in his Basava Purana Avatarika that he was a disciple of Kattakuri Potidevara. In the Introductory passages of his Panditaradhya Charitra, Somanatha mentions that he was the disciple of grand son of Balideva Vemaradhya.Somanatha's literary guru was Karasthali Viswanatha.

Life Period of Somantha
Maha Kavi Palkuriki Somanatha lived in Palakurthi between 1160 AD to 1240 AD. He was one of the most noted Telugu language writers of the 13th century. He was also an accomplished writer in Kannada and Sanskrit languages and penned several classics in those languages.

The main historical evidence for determining the date of Somanatha, remains his literary works and the works of his disciples like Pidaparti Somanatha, and others.
Basava Purana is a 13th-century Telugu epic poem. It was written by Palkuriki Somanatha. It is a sacred text of Lingayat. The epic poem narrates the life story of philosopher and social reformer Basava or Basavaṇṇa (c.1106–67/8), the founder of Lingayatism. Basaveswara was the Prime Minister in the court of Kalachuri Bijjala (1130–1167 CE) who ruled Kalyana Kataka. Bijjala in turn was originally a subordinate officer in the court of Kumara Tailapa III (1151 - 1156 AD) during the reign of Someswara III (1126 - 1138 AD) of Chalukya dynasty who was defeated and captured in 1137 A.D and later released by Prola II (1116 - 1158) of Kakatiya dynasty. This is clearly known from the Hanumakonda inscription. Therefore It Is evident that Sijjala and Basaveswara, Tailapa and Prola were contemporaries in 1137 A.D Ganapatideva (1199 - 1262) mentioned Somanatha in his "Sivayogasara".

Basava Puranam: In fact, Somanatha was a rebel poet and wrote literary works in original Telugu (Janu Telugu) neglecting the grammatical rules prescribed by Nannaya, the ‘Aadikavi’, during his days. Janu Telugu is Telugu that has the least Sanskrit diction and can be easily understood by commoners. Before Somana, there was no single poetic work in Telugu on contemporary social events. He wrote ‘Basava Puranam’ which was in ‘Janu Telugu’ in Dwipada (two lined verse) with the inspiration of Veera Saivism. It was a masterpiece appreciated by all poets and was translated into Kannada.

Panditaradhya Charitamu: Telugu book written by famous Saiva Poet Palakurki Somantha. This is a biography of saiva preacher Panditaradhya. This book gives some religious perspective during that period.

The presence of the samadhi at Palkuriki indicates that Somanatha led his last days in his native place and after his death a samadhi was constructed and a temple was made on it. Inside this temple a linga and nandi are installed. This linga is known as Somanatha linga.
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Samudra lingapur waterfalls

Samudralingapur waterfalls is located near samudralingapur Village in Yellareddipet Mandal in Rajanna Sircilla District of Telangana State, India.

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Vontimamidi or Ontimamidi lodhi waterfall

Vontimamidi lodhi or Ontimamidi lodhi waterfall is located in Mangavaigudem village, Venkatapuram mandal of Mulugu district in Telangana State.

“People who want to visit this waterfall must take the help of the local tribals as they are aware of the paths in the forest. The tourists must also be prepared to walk in knee-deep slush and through the slippery boulders carefully to reach to this ‘heaven on earth’,”
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Parkal Massacre - September 2, 1947

On September 2, 1947, a patriotic desire to hoist national flag in

Parkal, then a small village in Warangal district, had ended a brutal massacre committed by Razakars.

Nizam’s men pumped bullets into people who had gathered in the town to hoist the tri-colour

The memories of the carnage are still remembered by the elders who witnessed the incident at that time. The incident has been referred to as the ‘Jallianwala Bagh’ of the south by former Premier P V Narasimha Rao.

It may be recalled that after Indian Independence on August 15, 1947, erstwhile Nizams of Hyderabad denied joining Indian Union and also enforced suppression against hoisting the tri-colour employing tyrannical army of Razakars. Anguished at not being allowed to hoist the national flag, the residents of Parkal and surrounding villages planned to raise the flag on September 2 to celebrate the Independence and gathered near a ground in Parkal. But an official of Nizams’ regime Ziauallah Khan cautioned the public to disperse.

But the public charged with patriotic fervour went ahead to hoist the flag. Then the Nizam’s police resorted to lathi charge and then opened fire killing people indiscriminately, explained nonagenarians Basani Murari and Reguri Chandra Reddy who witnessed the incident. “The Razakars ambushed those who wanted to hoist the flag and fired at them killing about 13 persons at Parkal and nine persons at other places,” they told The Hans India recalling the tales of dictatorial rule of Nizams.

“Everyone wanted to be liberated from Nizam’s tyranny as they are not allowed to hoist the national flag though the country was liberated from the rule of the British,” said freedom fighters P Veeraswamy and P Vaikuntam. According to Vaikuntam, Razakars tied three people to a tree and shot them brutally at Rangapuram village and they looted gold and money and molested women at Laxmipuram and set the village on fire.

“The history of Parkal massacre and other such incidents has to be included in the school text books and Telangana Liberation Day should be celebrated officially. The State government should take initiative in this direction,” they urged. “Successive governments have failed to acknowledge the Telangana Liberation Movement and honour the martyrs by officially celebrating Telangana Liberation Day. It is sad that even in separate Telangana it is not happening,” they lamented.

In 2003, former Union minister and present Maharashtra Governor Ch Vidyasagar Rao had built a memorial called ‘Amaradhamam’ at Parkal paying tributes to the massacre victims. The memorial was built in memory of his mother by Chennamaneni Chandramma Trust of Karimnagar. Incidentally, the back cover of the book titled ‘Uniki’ authored by Vidyasagar Rao and released by President Pranab Mukherjee some time back, features a picture of ‘Amaradhamam’ as a mark of respect to those who laid down their lives to fulfil their desire to hoist the national flag.
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Gollavagu River

Origin : Mamidighat, Mandamarri Mandal, Mancherial District in Telangana
Outflow : Godavari River
Length : Around 40 Km
District : Mancherial
Mandals : Mandamarri, Naspur, Bheemaram, Chennur, Nennel
Start : Mamidighat
End : Konampet Village

Gollavagu river is in Mancherial District and it flows through below Villages. It also has several streams as tributaries.
  • Mandamarri
    • Mamidighat
  • Naspur Mandal
    • Singapur
  • Bheemaram / Bhimaram Mandal
    • Reddipalle
    • Dampur
    • Burugupalle
    • Bheemaram / Bhimaram
    • Ankushapur
    • Maddikal
    • Kothapalle
  • Chennur Mandal
    • Suddal
    • Kachanpalle
    • Angarajpalle
    • Raipet
  • Nennel Mandal
    • Konampet

This is a Medium Irrigation project constructed across Gollavagu near Bheemaram Village & Mandal, Mancherial district under G basin. The main objective of the Project is to irrigate 9,500 Acres of ayacut in Bheemaram and Chennur mandals.

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Durjaya Dynasty

c.500 AD - c.611 AD : Durjaya Dynasty
Founder : Rana Durjaya was a descendant of Karikala, the great Chola monarch who started as vassals to Vishnukundins
Capital : Pistapura (Identified as modern Pithapuram)
The Durjayas were a brach of early cholas.The Garvapadu grant of Ganapati states that Ranadurjaya, the founder of Durjaya dynasty, was a descendant of Karikala, the great Chola Monarch.

Many ruling dynasties in Andhra and Telangana, such as the Kakatiyas , Malyalas, Viryalas, the Konakandravadis, the Ivani Kandravadis, the Kondapadumatis, the Paricchedis and the Chagis, are claimed to be his descendants.

It is likely that Maharaja Ranadurjaya, the first ruler of this SriramakaSyapa family , was a contemporary of Vishnukundin Madhavavarman II (456-503 A.D.) and his subordinate for some time. 
Tandivada grant reveals that he was able to establish himself as a paramount king at Pistapura Vasista king Anantavarman who had issued his Srungavarapukota inscription from Pistapura 

565 AD  - 615 AD : Prithvi Maharaja ruled over a vast kingdom extending from Jajpur (Vaitarani) to the river Godavari in the south. 
569 AD : This King defeated Vishnukundin king Vikramendra Varma II (555-569).
592 AD : In his 27th year he extended his sway unto the river vaitarani in the north defeating the eastern Ganga, Sailodbhava and the Mudgals kings.

611 D : Tandivada Grant of Prithivi Maharaja - 46th Year - The object of the record is to register a grant of the agrahara village Tandivada in Pagupara-vishaya made from Pishtapura by Prithivi-Maharaja of the Kasyapa-gotra who bore the biruda Srirama, son of Vikramendra and grandson of Maharaja Ranadurjjaya, to Bhavasarman of the Kamakayana-gotra, who was the son of Prithivivarman and grandson of Vishnuvarman and was a resident of Kondamanchi, on the full-moon day of Karttika in the 46th year of his reign. About this time he also defeated the sailodbhava king Ayososbhita of Kongada, the father of Madhavaraja II.

C. 611A. D  may be approximately fixed as the date of Badami Chalukyas (543 AD - 753 AD) Pulakesin II's victory over Prithvimaharaja. We get a reference to the horrors of the battle evidently fought between Pulakesin II and Prithvi Maharaja on the bank of the Kunala or the Kolleru on the left bank of which stood the fortress of Pistapura.
In 49th year he issued the paralakhimedi plates from his military camp at Viranja-Nagara modern Jajpur for Cuttack district. 
It seems that in his 50th regnal year (615 A.D) he was defeated and killed by Sasanka in battle near Viraja. 

Budharaja, a successor of Prithvi Maharaja, ruled under Kubja Vishnuvardhana
After their defeat at the hands of Sasanka the Durjayas fled away to Pistapura and took shelter under Pulakesin II. Pulakesin II allowed his younger brother, Kubja Vishnuvardhana to rule Pistapura. This Kubja Vishnuvardhana founded the famous line of the Eastern Chalukyan dynasty in the Vengi region.

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