The Mrugavani National Park, located at Chilkuru in Moinabad, Rangareddy district is at a distance of about 25 kms from Hyderabad. The National Park is spread over 3.5 sq kms of pure, untamed land. The Indian government announced it a wildlife sanctuary in the year 1994 and since then, the park has been home to some 600 species of plants and animals.
The present day world has created its orbit around technology and modernism. The modern way of living has extensive demands and more and more of our Earth’s space and resources is what is at stake for. One can observe that national parks have eventually become the last sights of refuge for most indigenous species of animals as well as plants around the globe. Even governments of several countries have now become conscious of the importance of preserving these last species in wildlife sanctuaries.

The Mrugavani National Park in the state capital is an example of a beautiful national park turned major tourist attraction. What is most exciting is that in a land layered with exotic and immense natural resources like in India, it sure is a great achievement. The Mrugavani National Park, located at Chilkuru in Moinabad, is at a distance of about 25 kms from Hyderabad. The National Park is spread over 3.5 sq kms of pure, untamed land. The Indian government announced it a wildlife sanctuary in the year 1994 and since then, the park has been home to some 600 species of plants and animals. Like in the case of most national parks, even the Mrugavani national park has had least human intervention and interaction in order to make sure that all the precious creatures remain undisturbed in their cozy natural habitat.
We can see that the park has a topography made up of several rocky exposures that are characteristic of Deccan formation. The fauna of the wildlife sanctuary is as varied as they come. Foxes, black-naped hares, Wild boars, as well as Indian vipers are the most striking species for the curious traveler.
Mrugavani National park is accessible by road and located at a distance of nearly 20 km from Hyderabad enroute Chilkur, close to Nehru Outer Ring Road.
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