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Heritage Jail Museum, Sangareddy

Heritage Jail Museum also known as Jail Museum and Sangareddy District Jail is located in Sangareddy, Sangareddy district of Indian state Telangana, India is a colonial-era jail, now converted into a museum. 

Sangareddy district jail constructed in the year 1796 A.D, during the Prime Ministership of Salar Jung I is one of the oldest jails in South India. This prison is spread across an area of 3 acres and 10 guntas. There are ten barracks in this Heritage jail building which boasts of great history.

The jail allows tourists to live a prisoner's life for 24 hours at a price of Rs.500 ($A9.90).The museum displays the paintings and other artifacts related to crime and prison life in India.

It was closed in 2012.In June 2016, the jail was converted into a museum by prison department, when M. Lakshmi Narasimha, the Deputy SP of the jail came up with the Feel The Jail idea. We Can feel the jail there only by paying Rs 500 for twenty four hours without committing any crime. You will be treated like prisoners, You Have to wear prisoner's dress , and eat a food prepared by the prisoners in nearby jail and in the utensils which are provided to prisoners . You have to clean your utensils like a prisoner and you also have to do some work provided by the jail authorities such are gardening or any other simple task. You are not allowed to use your mobile . you are items such as mobile , wallet etc are kept in locker which will be given to you when you leave the prison . If its become difficult for you remain in the prison until the full day ends you have to pay fine for it .This jail makes us realize us the real value of freedom.


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