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Thatikonda Fort

Thatikonda or Tatikonda Fort is located in Thatikonda village, Station Ghanpur mandal, Jangaon district, Telangana State, India.

Thatikonda Fort is built in the 17th century by Sardar Sarvai Papadu, popularly known as Sardar Sarvai Papanna of Quillashapur, a local leader who had then defied Mughal imperial authority and also revolted against the Golconda Nawabs. The historic Quilla i.e., hill fort is situated in survey no. 513 and the gadis are in survey no. 369. The fortifications lie on the top of the hillock. The mud fortification wall in intermittent patches runs from the top to the fort of the hill to join the gadi.

The gadi is square in plan covering an area of about 5.36 acres. The basal width of wall is 3 feet and the height is about 16-20 feet. The material used for the construction of walls from the basement until 3 feet is stone and above this, it is made of mud. The mud wall consists of pati earth, which is mixed with potsherds, gravel, coarse sand, small chips etc. The mud wall appears to be consisting of different layers. It has four bastions on four corners. The bastions are constructed with dressed stones.

July 23, 2021: Rains cause crack in the mud wall of Thatikonda Fort


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