Heheya Kingdom (also known as Haihaya, Haiheya, Heiheya, etc.) is one of the kingdoms ruled by Chandravanshi (Yadava) kings in central and western India. The Puranas style the Haihayas as the first ruling dynasty of Avanti.
Mahishmati was an ancient city and the capital of Haihayas in the present-day central India on the banks of Narmada River, although its exact location is uncertain.
Kartavirya Arjuna
Niladhwaja in Mahismati
Suradeva of Ratanpur conquered Telingana
Aralu Branch(Sedam, Chitpur in Kalaburagi district in Karnataka)
Aralu 300 region
Chanda, Nimba, Allapuli, Chanda bhupalaka II, Ayyana, Muvadi ganda, Revarasa
1038 AD - 1054 AD: RevarasaWife : Maliyabbarasi
1042 AD : One of them , belonging to Yewur and dated 1042 , states that he was the subordinate of Jayasimha II and that he was the son of Chanda .
24 Dec 1054 AD : Kembhavi Inscription Chanda, Nimba, Allapuli, Chanda bhupalaka II, Ayyana, Muvadi ganda, Revarasa
1035 AD - 1058 AD : Anemarasa I or Yanemarasa I
1035 - 1038 : Kanduru Anemarasa : Record from Mallesvaram Saka 955 and Saka 960
1058 AD An inscription found at Nagai in Gulbarga dated 1058 AD, Ayyarasa of Haihaya family was ruling Kandurnadu under Somesvara I.Queen Kalabbarasi
Bacharasa issued an inscription in his own name- without mentioning his overlords , the Chalukyas of Kalyana . This inscription from Ingalgi in Chitpur has a date corresponding to 1071 A.D.
1096 AD - 1104 AD : Anemarasa II or Yanemarasa II
Mahamandelesvara Anemarasa was the successor of Bacharasa. He appears in 1096 AD as the subordinate of Chalukya Vikramaditya VI
Kammaravadi Inscription, the reign of Tribhuvanamalla (Vikramditya VI) mentions Yanemarasa of the Haihaya Vamsa with the title of ' Lord of Mahishmati ' . He was ruling in 1104 A.D. , the territory in the neighbourhood of Kammaravadi in the old Hyderabad State
Bijjarasa II (Son Lokaditya)
Lokadityarasa (Bijja ankakara)
1129 AD : Mallidevarasa
As per Hirebudanur inscription, ruling Mahishmati
1142 AD : Rayaparaja
2nd July 1142 AD : This inscription is set up in front of Vishnu Kameswara temple. The inscription begins with the usual prasasti of the Haihaya kings and introduces Mahamandalesvara Rayaparaja who is stated to have made a gift of sixty puttis and two marturs vritti for the worship and offerings to the god Kamesvaradeva of Uriya in Gidvaka of the kings of his family.
25th June 1142 AD : Peddavuru, Nalgonda.
This inscription is in Telugu prose and dated Saka 1064, Dundubhi Ashadha Sukla 1, Thursday (A.D. 1142, June 25). It records a grant of two mattars of land to the god Kamisvara of the village Uriya (Peddavuru) for the daily worship etc., by Mahamandalesvara Rayapa Raju of the Haihaya dynasty. The donor is attributed with all the prasasti commonly met with in the epigraphs of the Haihaya dynasty.
This inscription is in Telugu prose and dated Saka 1064, Dundubhi Ashadha Sukla 1, Thursday (A.D. 1142, June 25). It records a grant of two mattars of land to the god Kamisvara of the village Uriya (Peddavuru) for the daily worship etc., by Mahamandalesvara Rayapa Raju of the Haihaya dynasty. The donor is attributed with all the prasasti commonly met with in the epigraphs of the Haihaya dynasty.
2nd July 1142 AD : This inscription is set up in front of Vishnu Kameswara temple. The inscription begins with the usual prasasti of the Haihaya kings and introduces Mahamandalesvara Rayaparaja who is stated to have made a gift of sixty puttis and two marturs vritti for the worship and offerings to the god Kamesvaradeva of Uriya in Gidvaka of the kings of his family.
1158 AD : Anemarasa III younger brother of lokaditya
Anemarasa II succeeded Lokaditya and he was a Mahamandaleshvara under Chalukya king Taila II in 1158 AD
Sons Bijjarasa, Yecharasa
Yecharasa (Son Kacharasa)
Kacharasa (1212AD)
Battuvariguda, Miryalaguda Taluk. : Haihaya Chiefs
This inscription is on a slab in front of the Kameswara temple. The inscription begins with the prasasti of the Haihayas and seems to record the gift of some gold gadyas to the god of Uriya (i.e. Pedda uru) by Suriyaraja. Other details are not known and the last portion is unintelligible.
The Gonas or Konas (1190 AD - 1294 AD), of Haihaya descent, are the feudatories of Kakatiyas.
A Kona Rajendra choda Vennachodaya bearing the Kona Haihaya prasasti and his wife Nimmale Devi, daughter of Premkanti Virappa Reddi are mentioned in a record from Draksharama dated A.D. 1237. Vennachoda’s relationship to the main line is not known. A Kona Betaraja figures in a record from Kumaradevam dated A.D. 1247.
Yecharasa (Son Kacharasa)
Kacharasa (1212AD)
Battuvariguda, Miryalaguda Taluk. : Haihaya Chiefs
This inscription is on a slab in front of the Kameswara temple. The inscription begins with the prasasti of the Haihayas and seems to record the gift of some gold gadyas to the god of Uriya (i.e. Pedda uru) by Suriyaraja. Other details are not known and the last portion is unintelligible.
A Kona Rajendra choda Vennachodaya bearing the Kona Haihaya prasasti and his wife Nimmale Devi, daughter of Premkanti Virappa Reddi are mentioned in a record from Draksharama dated A.D. 1237. Vennachoda’s relationship to the main line is not known. A Kona Betaraja figures in a record from Kumaradevam dated A.D. 1247.
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