Telangana Tourism, History, Art and Culture with a 360 degree view, covering anything and everything !

Shankaramma Fort

Shankaramma Fort is located in Shankarampet village and Mandal, Medak District, Telangana State, India.The fort, which was under Papannapet Samsthanam (kingdom), about 70 kilometres from the district headquarters, has been located in a hilly area of this small village. The locals inform that Rani Shankaramma constructed the fort in 1760 which consists of Devidi (residential place for the inmates of the fort) and Chavidi (meeting place).Due to negligence, the fort has been covered with overgrown bushes and most of its structure has been...
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Sadashivpet - Sarvatobhadra town design

Sadashivpet  or Sadasivapet is a town in Sangareddy district of Telangana, was planned on the basis of ‘Sarvatobhadra’ town design. Sarvatobhadra is typically suited for big towns and villages, where the site selected for planning a town/village is a square If you log on to Google Earth to search Sadasivapet, a town in Sangareddy district of Telangana, you will be surprised to find an exhilarating chequered square locket studded with diamonds tagged to a black cord that is national Highway No.9 connecting Hyderabad and Mumbai,...
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